Vision: Heaven on Earth. Mission: Awakening Divinity in Human Being. Ethics: Global Family (Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam) &Oneness (Atmavat SarvBhuteshu ) Values:Transform Ourselves the World will Transforms, Reform Ourselves the World will Reform (Hum badlenge Yug Badlega, Hum Sudhrenge Yug Sudhrega) .


ECL VISION is to provide significant leverage in meeting the growing IT needs of a global economy. In order to gain these advantages the focus of the organization is placed upon the following objectives: Selection and performance of highly leveraged, collaborative quantitative ecl research projects and applications that lead to excellence and improved cost effectiveness in global ecl engineering practice. .

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Pursuit of outreach programs with industries to improve worldwide Securty Automantion & Safety, product quality, and economic well being.Extension of research programs developed by the ecl community to other Safety & Securty Automantion related application areas.

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The more benefits you realize from the ECL, more important the technology becomes to your business. If an issue arises, you want support from dedicated specialists who have in-depth expertise in virtualized data center environments, Printer, server & hardware computing technology. You can be confident that you are covered with ECL Unified Computing Support and Warranty Services..

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We provide student organizations with invaluable resources. Advisers are available to assist in your development as a campus leader as well as to support student organizations in their particular objectives. Additional programs sponsored by Student Development and Activities includes.

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ECL Quick Support used by the IT Support Center to provide IT Related Support. The IT Support Center is using this Our support of the Help Desk and Standard Desktop Support services.

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Advance Your Business.
Your Business offers business solutions that empower businesses to take their revenue and profits to the next level. Why Advance Your Biz •We place our customers at the center of our business •We deliver high quality and results oriented solutions & Customer Satisfaction •We strive to meet and exceed your expectations.
Welcome To Express Computer Lab came into existence in 2006. A unique business model,
Express Computer Lab today provides integrated Level 1 to Level 4 reverse logistics services which include.
•Tech support helpdesk
•Repair and refurbishment Information Technology (IT) Services
•Telecommunication implementation projects
•Resource Management Application (RMA)

ECL has a strong team of engineers and technicians who specialize in handling technical support services for a wide range of IT and telecom equipments, peripherals and associated software and application support. Several of the companies are enlisted in our client.

One thing that has never wavered in our approach is our commitment towards providing top notch services to our clients, services which would exceed the expectation of our clients on a consistent basis. It has been our ceaseless endeavor to be the leaders in customer delight, a mantra which has kept us in good stead and which has made us an absolute favorite amongst our clients.

Our immense experience in support and single minded approach towards customer satisfaction has elevated us to the position of number one in the minds of our customers and has been instrumental in helping us win several awards from our customers from time to time.

Our close association with industry leaders has enabled us to provide support ers has enabled us to provide support services for an entire range of computing, telecom, networking and consumer products.

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